Sananu Zakaria Alhassan
5 min readMar 10, 2020

Shaykh Ibrahim Niaase was born on 15 Rejab. On the same date he returned to Allah in 1975. He build a city in Kaolack, Senegal that we know today as “Medina Baye”. The blessed city became the door to those who yearn to be truly awakened to love the Prophet ﷺ inwardly and outwardly. The city that makes those who love the prophet ﷺ lost his or her bad desire inheriting the reality of the prophet ﷺ. The city in which the zawiyah became a mosque that attract a million lives around the world. They travel long, far & near for nothing except to worship Allah, the way how those who love the Prophet ﷺ worship Allah, having no desire except everything for Allah.

Shaykh Ibrahim said “Everyone has their own Layla and my Layla is the prophet ﷺ”. What is hidden wont be unveiled except to those who seek and yearn for its divine purpose. How can it be that Medina Baye is so far away from Europe and Asia and yet the love of the prophet ﷺ & Allah has no barrier and distance. This is the uniqueness on the methodology of shaykh Ibrahim Niaase to spiritually train every murid and transmit his love of the prophet ﷺ to every murid. Shaykh Ibrahim said ““Whenever i have a problem, i praise the Prophet (ﷺ) . Then he will offer me what is beyond the thought of the creation”

Those who seek will get what they desire. If you seek with the Prophet ﷺ, be with the one whose heart contain the love of the prophet buried in them. Shaykh Ibrahim said “He, ﷺ is the sun, only his light covers all things. He ﷺ is the rain, indeed, continually pouring."

Al fatiha to sohibul faydah, Shaykh Ibrahim Niaase.

Translated by Jafaru Ibrahim

Maulana Sheikh Alhaji Haroun Mohammad Attijani[Ra] started by saying;

يَا مرحبا يامرحبا يامرحبا
يامرحبا بخليفة التجاني


O welcome O welcome O welcome

The Vicegerent of Tijani, O Welcome

أهلا وسهلا بالطبيب لدائنا
كنز الحقائق مركز العرفان

Greetings and Facilitation be Upon the physician of our sicknesses.

The treasure of realities and the centre of Gnosis.

الشيخ إبراهيم بحر شريعة
طَوْدٌ رحيم مُكمل الإيمان

El-Sheikh Ibrahim the Ocean of Shariya,

A loftier individual, Compassionate and the possessor of perfected faith

قد صافح المختار حقا لا مرا
لذوي البصيرة يقظة في الأمن

Surely and truthfully, He has handshake the Chosen Prophet[s.a.w] in a wakeful state.

And in a state of safety without any doubt for the people of insight

هو غوث الفائزين ممدهم
ووسيلة العظمي إلي المنان

He is the succur of the people of Success and their spiritual aider.

And the greatest intermediary towards the Benefactor [Allah]

متفنن ذو العلم ولأنوار
قطب الشريعة نائب العدنان

A Versatile scholar, a possessor of knowledge and divine lights.

The Pole of Shariya and the Vicegerent of the Prophet

كهف اليتامى ملجأ الفقراء بل
سفن النجاة لربنا الرحمان

The cave of orphans, the sanctuary of the poor, rather,

The ship of Safety for our Merciful Lord

هَبَّ النسيم بفيضة قطب حقيقة
شرقا و غربا بصحبه الَّمعان

He set in motion the fragrance with the spiritual flood of the Pole of Reality.

In the East and the West with His illuminated companionship

متورع ذو الكشف ولأسرار
طلق المحيا جوهر المكنون

Humble, possessor of unveiling and secrets.

The person of Cheerful face and the ruby of creations

أهل الحجاز مددنَ للأعناق
لما رأته بهيكل الرباني

The people of Hijaz stretched their necks.

When they saw Him with divine Structure

طوبي للأهل نيجيريا فُضلاءهم

أمنوا به حقا بلا جهلان

Glad tidings be with the people of Nigeria; their elites.

Have truly believed Him without doubt

أهل كُماشِ خيارهم نالوا به
فازوا بفيضة نافع الأديان

The People of Kumasi, their Chosen Ones have tilted towards Him

So they attained the beneficial spiritual flood of religions

أهل فَرَنْسَ شجاعهم فرسانهم
قاموا بنصرة قاطع الطغيان

Francophone; their brave and their fearless.

Have Stood up in helping the eraser of idols

وتلاشت الأنوار عند ظهوره
لم يبقي إلا نوره الرباني

Hence, lights annihilated when He appeared.

Nothing remain except His divine Light.

قد غاب كل النور إلا نوره
نور مبين أنجلي القمرَين

Surely, every light has dimmed except His light.

The apparent light; brighter than the two moons

مِن سره يسري الإله بسرنا
ننجي العباد عن الرَّدي وهَوان

It is from his spiritual secrets Allah progress with our secrets.

For us to save People from destruction and degradation

إن تركنوا لحاسديه تمسكم
نار الندامة هكذا الخسران

If you tilt towards His envier,

The fire of regret will affect you, likewise degradation

مَن داس عنق الأولياء بنعله
لا فخر يا صاح بلا بهتان

He who has stepped on the necks of the Saints with His sandals.

O you screamer, not boasting without a lie

ياسائلي عن وصفه الكتمية
عبد الإله وكامل الإنسان

O my questioner about His Concealed attribute.

He is a Servant of Allah and perfect Human

ماحي الضلالة سيد الأقطاب
سعد شريعتنا بلا نكران

The Eraser of misguidance and the Leader of the Poles.

The helper of our Shariya without denial.

وهو الشمائل لا تعدُّ أخا الرضي
عبد نقِيُّ القلب والجثمان

O (my) trusted brother, He is unqualified character;

A servant, a purified soul and body

وله السكينة والوقار ذو التسامح
والحيا والرفق للإخوان

With Him are calmness and composure, a person of forgiveness,

Shyness and leniency towards the brothers

حب أبي إسحاق زاد مسافر
يمشي به في السر ولإعلان

Loving the Father of Is’haq [Baye] is a wealth for a traveller.

Which he moved with it both in Secret and Open

يا صاحب الإنكار في برهام كن

حذرا محاربة من الديان

O you criticisor towards Barhama, be warned

Against fighting the devout.

يا غوثنا يا فائض الفيضاة
أرجو وُرُدَ الفيض للهارون

O our helper, the pourer of spiritual Flood.

I seek the arrival of spiritual flood for Haroun

فيضا لخادمكم قتيل بحبكم
الحاج هارون مدي الملوان

A spiritual Flood for your Servants who has been killed with your Love;

Alhaji Haroun, throughout days and nights

ثم علي جمعية العلماء فِضْ
فيض العلوم كذلك العرفان

Again pour the spiritual flood of Knowledge.

Likewise Gnosis upon all the scholars

حتي إلي جمعية الخدام زِدْ
عونا لهم مِن طَعْنة العدوان

Even up to the association of [ your] Servants.

Increase aid to them from the thrust of injustice

مع المريدين المطيعين لهم
رحما لهم بالخير واليُسران

Together with the Murids, those obeying them.

Be merciful to them with goodness and easiness

يا شيخنا يا كامل الأحرار قد
نرجو جوارك في ديار جِنان

O our Sheikh, the Perfect among the Liberater, Surely

We seek your companionship in the abodes of paradise

يا نور سر السر يا رحمان دُمْ
شرفا للإبراهيم فرد أوان

O the light of covert secret, O the Merciful [Lord].

Continues to increase for Barhama, the Unique Saint with Exaltation

لِلَّهِ حمدي هكذا شكري له
ما دامت الأرواحُ في الأبدان

My thankfulness and gratitude is with Allah.

Provided souls will continue to be in the Bodies.

تَمَّ القصيدة بالصلاة علي النبي
والآل والصحب ذوي التبيان

The Eulogies has ended with Benediction towards the prophet.

His Progeny and Companions, the people of Elucidation"

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